Unless otherwise stated, all our wine tours and wine tastings start and/or take place at:
Vignoble Alain Robert
Charmigny - 663 route de la Brenne
37210 Chançay
Our family winery is located 8 km from Vouvray, 13 km from Amboise and 18 km from Tours.
GPS : N 47° 26' 23.7'' - E 0° 52' 16.0''
For Waze users: Vignoble Alain Robert is pinpointed on the app.
The nearest stations are located in:
- Saint Pierre des Corps
- Tours
- Amboise
You can take a taxi without prior booking from Tours and Saint Pierre des Corps stations. It is also possible to rent a car from there.
It is possible to rent bikes from Tours and Amboise (you will find several rental shops in the city centres).
You may also inquire at the hotel, B&B... where you are staying: they sometimes rent bikes.
Several cycling routes go through our region:
- La Loire à vélo
- Cœur de France à vélo Val de Cher
- St Jacques à vélo
From Tours, bus 54 will take you to Vernou-sur Brenne, the village next to Chançay. The bus stop is located 3 km from the winery, this is a 40-45 mn's walk.
Ask us for more information about this means of transportation. You will also find more information below.
Should you want to come by taxi, here are a the contacts of some taxi companies that operate in our area:
- Taxis de Tours: +33 2 47 20 30 40 (this company always has taxis parked in front of the train stations of Tours and Saint Pierre des Corps)
- Taxis Vernadiens in Vouvray: +33 2 47 52 20 13 / +33 6 79 64 89 18
- Taxi Reugnois in Vernou-sur-Brenne: +33 2 47 52 08 64 / +33 6 27 29 74 43
- Taxi Barbara in Chançay: +33 6 64 26 36 71
- Taxis Bordier in Amboise: +33 2 47 57 30 39